Pebsham Pharmacy is a relatively new startup that commenced service in 2014. Since its inception, the pharmacy has gradually recruited more patients and increased the number of items that it dispenses.

Stefan says “My priorities at the start were to ensure that I have the correct people recruited to the team and that they were trained to provide a pharmacy service in the manner that I wanted. I did not have the time to focus on ensuring that all invoices were being paid, and paid on time. Nor did I have the expertise in ensuring that I had stringent procurement processes that allow me to maximise on medicine and retail product margin. By being part of the GreenLife Pharma Group, I am able to source medicines at the best available prices allowing me to have a healthy gross profit margin and thus giving me the best opportunity to improve my net profitability.

As a member of the Group, I can procure medicines at the same rate as a pharmacy that dispenses 15,000 items per month, as the Group procures collectively for all members, just like a co-operative. Furthermore, the provision of other services ensures that I am given as much support as I request to improve our provision of service and to increase our business growth”.