7 tips to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in your pharmacy
Everyone should do what they can to stop coronavirus from spreading. It is particularly important for people who work in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry. Here are GreenLife Pharma’s 7 tips to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in your pharmacy:
Ensure staff have access to handwashing facilities and alcohol-based hand rub. You can do this by putting alcohol-based hand rub dispensers in prominent places around the pharmacy especially at counters where surfaces are touched.
Clean your pharmacy
Clean and disinfect any areas the public may touch every 2 hours. For example the counters, card machine and door/door handle.
Create a barrier
Limit contact with patients by creating a 2-metre barrier. A great way to do this is by creating a barrier out of chairs and sticking a “No customers beyond this point” poster to them. Click this link to access the poster.
Give advice
To avoid face to face contact with your patients, display signage/posters in the pharmacy to encourage patients to practise hand hygiene, cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene.
Cancel all non-urgent consultations with your patients
Pharmacists undertaking urgent consultations such as diabetes checks should do so following standard precautions. For example, yourself and the patient wearing masks and gloves and cleaning your hands before and after the consultation.
Brief your staff and patients that if COVID-19 starts spreading in your community, anyone with even a mild cough or fever should not visit the pharmacy and stay at home for self-isolation and contact 111 for advice. You can find self-isolation advice here.
Social distancing
Social distancing is an effective measure and should be used where practicable. Within a pharmacy environment, this may mean attempting to keep a distance of 1.5 metres between staff and patients where possible. Speak to patients from the other side of a counter or desk where possible.
If you are looking for more information on Coronavirus, self-isolation or social distancing, you can visit www.nhs.co.uk or contact us today.